Testimonials -
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Sarah from Phoenix
I just wanted to tell you how well my horse is doing in your shoes! He is a 17 year old off-track thoroughbred with very thin soles. We have struggled for years with metal shoes falling off and taking hoof wall with them. These shoes are light and flexible. He is sounder than he’s been in a long time, and he’s been able to grow more healthy hoof. I will never go back to metal shoes. Also, you guys have excellent customer service. Thank you!

Lisa from Ohio

Another one from Lisa
We were able to rasp a little off the size 110 shoe to make it fit our small hoofed horse. The farrier said our horses feet look "really good!" Thanks again for your awesome product.

I am writing you to thank you for saving my horse's life. I have a 16 year old grey gelding that I had purchased for my granddaughter at the barn sale. Once I got him home, 2 days later he went lame on his front feet. Had the vet check him. It was obvious that he had been given something before the barn sale to temporarily relieve his pain and hide his injury. The vet stated that I was looking at expensive and long term treatment and couldn't guarantee that he would be rideable again. I didn't want him to go to the kill barn While reading my Western Horseman magazine, I came across your advertisement and purchased a set of your horseshoes, thinking I have nothing to loose.. I have trimmed and reset the same pair 3 times. I noticed a difference after two weeks, he was walking and moving more without so much pain and discomfort. After six weeks, he wasn't limping and was moving with confidence. The same vet came by and couldn't believe the progress made. After 4 months, I was able to saddle him up and ride him! I'm a true believer and will continue to use these horse shoes not only on my grey horse, but my other horse as well. These horseshoes are real game changers and I highly recommend them. I can't thank you enough for giving my horse a second chance.

I've been riding horses most of my life so I'd like to think my thoughts on these shoes would be worth something. I ride currently a minimum of 3-4 days a week. Sometimes in pastures, sometimes up and down mountains, ans sometimes on very rocky terrain. These shoes are amazing. No slipping and no stumbling. I can ride my horse Whiskey at a walk, trot or cantering, no fail in any gait. I'm old school and was weaned on steel shoes. However I've always researched horse anatomy and soon realized the damage old time steel shoes were doing. I tried barefoot, Whiskey has very thin soles, so any rocky terrain caused him to walk gingerly and be sore afterward. I came across Goldenwingshorseshoes in their ad in western horseman magazine. I read about all the benefits and couldn't see any negatives. Technically they made sense, Nike's for your horse. Their hooves respond like they should, plenty of blood circulation, yet ample protection. I'm extremely happy to have found an alternative to steel shoes or barefoot feet. I'd like to also point out the customer service and personal care the company offers is second to none. Happy trails everyone, keep yourself and your horse happy.

Jessica Hayter
Goldenwingshorseshoes have played a vital role in keeping Cool Muscle sound and racing at the top of his game this past year, stopping the timer in 1:53.4 and trotting home as fast as :26.2.

Barb Whiteis
I have a 10 year old AQHA gelding. He was diagnosed with a navicular cyst about 3 years ago, so he had shoes and pads on all the time. I heard about Golden Wings shoes from Russel True on his Cowboy Up Podcast. I use Destry for Cowboy Mounted Shooting. He was sore with regular shoes, within 1 month of wearing Golden Wings shoes he was back to competing and winning buckles. Thank you very much. Great product.
From Barbara: Hi Fred, a few weeks ago I added the back shoes on my horse and he is doing even better. |

The shoe flexes with the hoof and it allows for independent heel movement. No other shoe compares honestly. They definitely make a difference to the horse. My biggest selling point is telling people that it's the protection and performance of shoeing with the function of a bare hoof.
March 20, 2023
Today I'll be resetting a horse with chronic laminitis with goldenwings horseshoes!

Julie F.
Just wanted to drop a short note to Thank you for making a great shoe !

Kayla Baldridge
My name is Kayla and I just had to write you about my experience with Goldenwings Horseshoes.
I have an eight-year-old quarter horse named Malibu that has been with me for six years. To say that she’s more than “just a horse” is an understatement.
It sounds kind of funny, but she’s been with me through a lot, including the death of my grandfather who got me in to riding, and my divorce and subsequent depression that followed.
I learned to ride and have been around horses since I was eight years old. There’s something about horses and riding that soothes the soul, and that’s something that I think any “horse person” would agree with. Unfortunately, the majority of the six years that I’ve had her have been the toughest of my life, and I can truly say during that stretch she was more of a friend to me than any person was.
A few months ago, I was ABSOLUTELY convinced that disaster had struck. I went out to the barn, and my heart nearly stopped when I saw it. She was walking funny, heavily favoring her right front leg. I looked at her hoof and her shoe had come loose.
I called the farrier right away and to reattach the shoe. After Malibu got her shoe back on properly, the farrier said, I should try your horseshoes since he's noticed those shoes rarely come loose. I bought some for Malibu and we never had the same problem again.
This really meant a lot to me, because it really took a load off of my mind. I remember how worried I was, seeing her limping out on the field. I can’t begin to tell you how thankful that I am for the peace of mind you've given. So, thank you!

Michelle McDonald
My new barrel prospect went crippled every time she got fresh shoes and would stay crippled/gimpy for the first week to two weeks, no matter what the different shoer's tried to do. I found the Goldwings plastic shoes online and gave them a try, not really expecting any change as I had really lost all hope of ever barrel racing on my beautiful girl. I ordered several months' worth of shoes and had them put on. She was still a bit gimpy the first week and then after that and after every new shoeing she was and is still sound. Not sure exactly how they help but they were the perfect cure.She is back in regular steel shoes for barrel racing competition but If any of our other horses ever have issues the Goldwings are my go to cure to releive them of pain and will (I beleive) prevent further trauma to their hooves and allow you to trail ride or do slow loping work on the barrel pattern. Thank you so much Goldenwings! You saved my horses career.

Barbara Knick
I have returned from the trip in Missouri All in all, I felt very safe and confident on climbing, as well as descending the rocky, lose, unstable trails and wash outs along the way, but also while crossing the rivers. I am glad I let him get use to the feel of the shoes prior to this trip. We did have just one incident, a good size 1-1.5 in rock got wedged at back inside of shoe at the bulb that he was telling me about by throwing his head. I literally had to get my pick under it to POP it out. It did not affect the set of the shoe and all remained very secure after the rides. Plenty of tread even on the back shoes and this was third reset for them, twice on front and once on back. Fronts were new and still look it. We may reset the same this next visit

I have two older 24 and 25 year old gaited horses one who's been lame off and on for almost 2 years now we're using the golden wings on both and they move very well in our Rocky country. No more Stone bruises , and excellent traction on slick rocks. The lame horse still has occasional days that he doesn't move well but considering the arthritis in his knees and back he's doing exceptionally well. On his good days he'll reach out and stretch like he used to when he was a young man. It's wonderful to know I may get a few more years out of them

Russell at White Stallion Ranch
Our over 200 horses work hard going up our steep, rocky mountain trails, loping for long stretches on the flatter trails, team penning and team sorting. Some of them are only able to work with Goldenwings Horseshoes. The concussion absorption and flexibility are game changers. Goldenwings also replace pads for most of our horses, all while being healthier for the hoof.
We have found over our many years that proper shoeing very often fixes lameness. Goldenwings takes that a step farther. The very first horse we tried the shoes on, had not worked for 18 months. The results were immediate and within a couple weeks he was back on the trail, even doing all day (18 mile) rides.
They are much easier on the farriers, with no anvil time and the shape is perfectly designed to fit almost all feet. They can easily be adjusted in the rare cases they don’t. We are so happy to have been introduced to Goldenwings Horseshoes. More importantly, our horses are too.

Alice Millington
I was going to try the Golden Wings synthetic horseshoes on my trail horse, Duke. The challenge, I thought, would be to get my farrier on board. I was right; my experienced farrier trimmed to his specifications...what he thought was right for the horse. I can't argue with that. (Although he didn't measure as per instructions, his angles were close; I got a hoof gage and measured them a week or two later.) Although the toe could have been a little shorter, I had Duke shod with the Golden Wings. The farrier thought that Duke would be fine in the shoes. And, Duke was; nary a problem. Because the farrier had used synthetic shoes before, he told me to keep an eye on three things: nails beginning to work their way out; heels that seem loose; and shoe contact with the horse's sole. These are generic concerns with synthetics. It was exactly seven weeks from the date Duke was first shod with the Golden Wings horse shoes when my farrier was back in town to pull, assess, and re-shoe. What we found: the shoes stayed in good contact with Duke's feet for the seven weeks, though a few nails on one rear foot were beginning to work up...just a tad. The inner edge of the shoe did flex in towards the horse's sole, but no problem there to Duke. Duke's feet looked good. The farrier re-set them and refined the trim a little more. The only obvious signs an 18 mile trip of use: the toes on the shoes were slightly rounded, as were Duke's hooves in the front, which is considered normal wear in these shoes. I'm happy with the shoes, with their toughness, and will continue to use them. My farrier is also interested in the shoes, as compared to other synthetics. And, so far, so good with him.

I am a Farrier in Utah and use on three horses that were considered to be put down and after three full setting of 18 weeks the transformation was more than I thought it would be, Golden wings horseshoes, a great product and three more horses still alive and being used daily

Two months after we got our 16 year old QH/Arab Gelding, he became very sore and would lie down lots The vet diagnosed him with navicular disease. After putting the Goldenwings Horseshoes on him, a difference was seen immediately. He started playing with his mates and moved around much better. I can only recommend this shoe as it supports the whole body properly and balances the weight. It is a more natural product than hard steel. I am a big fan already.

John Mahler
I first tried GW shoes in the summer of 2019 we do alot of packing in the Sierra Nevada and alot of slick granite I tried borium nails studded shoes nothing really worked, then I came across Fred and GW shoes and gave them a shot. I couldn't believe how well they work! No more scrambling on slick rock! The sole protection on gravel is unmatched even by the widest of steel shoes the durability and the ease of nailing them on! The only drawback is in boggy muddy conditions after a couple of weeks silt would get between the shoe and hoof and it took some elbow grease to get it out. But after talking to Fred he suggested a little bit of silicone when setting the shoe and it worked! Thanks for a great product that keep our horses sound in all conditions

These shoes have saved my geldings life!!! He can walk again without pain and is completely comfortable and happy. Thank you!!!I

I got my bouncy horse back at age 20!

Rex Wager
I am very impressed with the quality of these new shoes.

I am a farrier in Washington state and have been searching for a non-metal shoe. Goldenwings horseshoes are tough out last steel shoes. The best of all, the horses I have in these shoes are now landing heel first. I highly recommend these shoes.

Connie Winters
I have been watching the research and development of this new horse show for several years now and am thrilled to finally be able to try them on my older thoroughbred gelding who is starting to show some wear and tear. He is on his second setting at the moment and is moving like a young horse again. I was considering hock injections but with the Golden Wing shoes, I see no need for that at this time. He is back in work and his length of stride and quality of movement is even better than when he was a young horse placing in the model hunter classes at Devon and many other shows. Only wish they were available throughout this horse’s career. Love the shock absorption and the traction he has in western PA mud.

Ann Pruitt

Lenny Alifi
Allow me to humbly say "Hi" and formally introduce myself. All who know me call my 'Lenny' Lenny Alifi. I've been a Farrier for over 45 years, spending most of my adult life in the desert right here in the Phoenix valley, Apache Junction to be exact.
I started my apprenticeship in Upstate New York and in Long Island. The man I served my apprenticeship under is Dave Birdsall who was eventually inducted into the Worldwide Farriers Association. Dave was old school, hard on me, and told me to go to school so I went to Western's School of Horseshoeing in the mid 1970s. I later returned to Long Island to work with Dave but The West gets under a person's skin and I had to make this desert my home.
From early childhood I'd always had a love for horses in spite of being a New York City raised kid and somehow, I just knew I'd be in equine care in some way as a professional. In the 1980s, I was very fortunate to teach at SCC and CAC in equine sciences.
Over the many years of nailing steel to hoof, I've always pondered "Is there were a better way?" With all of todays advancing technology, maybe there is a better solution to this necessary evil of nailing steel to hoof. We put weight on a horses back and the sports and pleasure riding vigorously wares away hoof faster than natures growth can catch up. We have been nailing steel on to protect our horses feet since the 1400s.
My observation of the Golden Wing Horseshoe is that it is not made of steel, has the strength of natural hoof, and has an amazing durability that is as close to barefoot shoeing as I have yet experienced. At first introduction to this strange looking shoe, I was a bit confused as to either embrace it or just pass it along as some oddity of interest. Either way, I was intrigued so I had to give it a whirl. I did and so far, it's been18 horses that I have shod and reset with this Golden Wing shoe. I must confess, it is becoming much less strange than it was 5 weeks ago. It gives the protection of padding a hoof and I love the shock absorption, it is just like putting hoof onto hoof. I still need more hands on observation with this innovative new product but the in very near future I hope to be able to answer the question; to steel or not to steel?

Candis Molde
Hello .My name is Candis and I own an 11 yr old quarter horse mare bred to cut and I also barrel race and do other cowhorse events with her .
When I bought her Sept 2018 she had terrible feet and was very lame. Her toes were long and her heels were way under her feet and folded in. She shuffled along painfully .My farrier was certain she had navicular ( even trying to shoe her with steel shoes was too painful for her ) but I did not want to accept that diagnosis without giving her every chance we could so he gave in and committed to giving her a chance for however long it took. With regular rasping every few weeks we were finally able to get her shod. The steel shoes helped a wee bit but she was still short strided , very careful and limped on roads and gravel, could only go on soft surfaces. After a time we decided to try her barefoot again, attempting to strengthen her soles and frogs. That was just ok but something better had to come along if I was going to be able to use her in the show pen. It was a very long and anxious time for us as we were determined to help her .Then one day I was searching around for possible solutions and stumbled across Golden Wings Horseshoes . I immediately took the info to my farrier who was skeptical but said he would give them a try! After several phone calls and conversations with Golden wings horseshoes, we got some ordered and on her hooves .Her movement improved some but we were determined to persevere and get her even better. We believed in the shoes !! Fast forward to a busy show season where the mare made progress, more progress and more progress. We went from slow times in the barrel pen ( even in small pens ) to a little faster to even faster at each jackpot . Eventually she was doing so well that we entered the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Finals in Aug where she ran the fastest yet then bettered that time the next run! To top that off we entered an out of province big open jackpot at the Stakes and Futurity race with 100’s of entries .In a huge pen she ran faster than she did at the finals and bettered her time her second run. That after being hauled for hours, standing tied at the trailer and in a stall at night. We also competed at a cutting show and a cow horse event . She NEVER could have done that before Golden Wings Horseshoes came into her life!!!!
My farrier likes how they protect her sole and stimulate her frogs. She will not go back to other shoes. It’s hard to explain how these shoes have changed this gritty little mares world ! My very talented farrier and these shoes saved this wonderful, sweet mare from a life of painful feet . Her whole demeanour has changed , even the wrinkles above her eyes have softened and her legs are under her where they belong , her frogs are wider and she no longer winces when hoof testers are applied . My farrier did a wonderful job with a wonderful product for my wonderful horse! Thank you Goldenwings

Another Review from Lenny
I’ve been into the Farrier trade since the early 70s with the opportunity beginning as an apprentice. It’s been almost fifty years as a Farrier and have loved new developments along the way. Nowadays Farrier’s can buy many odd types of shoes right off the shelves from aluminum/steel bar shoes etc. I have seen the many variations to escape metal shoes with some drawbacks that couldn’t go ignored.
It been a year since I first started applying Golden wings horseshoes on horses owned by open minded people willing to give them a good try. I can give many details about fitting, and improving gaits, break over, overreaching, and the amazing results from horses that crossfire or stumble, just to name a few.
That’s not what this is about, it’s something I wasn’t even looking for, or thinking of. A young teen trail rider had a couple of accidents while crossing the pavement roads on blacktop and asphalt, even driveways were feared by her. She had a hard time getting on the horse that had nearly gotten her killed. I put Golden wings horseshoes on for a different reason and after the 2nd application, resetting the same shoes her mother Kris thanked me for taking care of the slippage problem. That was not my intention at the time. I did admit, I was as surprised as they were. For solving or avoiding problems & for prevention from slip & slide & avoiding an accident as a result, providing for safety of both horse and rider on blacktop or asphalt is another very good reason to add to the many benefits of Golden wings horseshoes. I’ve learned that sometimes accidents lead to solutions.

I wanted to offer a testimonial of the Goldenwings. This may not be as eloquent as I wish it to be but it's our story and I'm happy with the product.
My brilliant farrier Molly McDaniel here in NW Washington state offered them as an option about 8 months ago. My horse was just not doing well in steel so we switched to aluminum and when that wasn't going well either, Molly researched her heart out and found Goldenwings. My big App gelding Red is halter bred with small feet. He also has PSSM1 with an ongoing case of low grade laminitis. He is dead lame without front shoes. He has thin soles and his hoof walls were also weak. He doesn't grow much between shoeings but will get under slung and flare without 5-6 week maintenance. It has been frustrating. Within 2 cycles on goldenwings his heel angles came up and he was hardly flaring! The flexible material and built in traction lugs make trail riding a breeze. I really think he moves better in the arena as well. Better breakover too. We are now on the 5th cycle and just put on the 3rd set of shoes. Goldenwings can be reset 1-2 times depending on how much work the horse is in. My horse hasn't been in regular work lately so his lasted a long time. Molly says my horse's angles are the best she has seen in the last year! Plenty of hoof wall to nail to and best of all he isn't tender after the trim or during the nailing part of the shoeing! Bestest of all, my horse's feet have gotten a little bigger! A 115 used to need to be filed down quite a bit to fit. As of Saturday his hoof is a big as the 115 and he was actually growing OVER his last set at 6.5 weeks. What this all tells me is that Goldenwings are less restrictive to the hooves natural growth.

Carole Miller
Our Farrier, Brian Roberts, has used Golden wings Horseshoes on several of my horses and I have been thrilled with the results. They give the protection of padding on the hoof, provide traction that helps to prevent slipping, and I love the shock absorption. Although they are fairly new to the horse world, I would highly recommend these "shoes."

Thank you so much for the fast service in fulfilling my order Fred!

Monica Uruchurtu
I am so grateful that you are making these shoes. As an outfitter & an Equine Structural Integration Therapist, I have never seen horses be as healthy with steel shoes as I have with your Goldenwings. They are the "hail mary" for one of my mares in my pack string. She has a slight coffin bone rotation in one of her front hooves & has NEVER moved better in anything I have put on her hooves, including hoof boots, than she has in your Goldenwings! I will be finding out how well they hold up/traction next summer during my pack season. I am hoping that you will be making smaller sizes in the very near future? 0 & 00? I have a horse that I am training that would be a perfect candidate for your shoes but you don't make them small enough. I have been passing on your information to as many of my clients as possible. Please keep making them! It is all about the horse & not the human!

Dusty McCord
You had shared with me your studies about angles on front hooves being more in between 55 to 60 degrees. I got this particular horse to a 58 degree angle and put on your shoes. This horse had done well in your shoes before but, because of the tendon issue he was still off for about a week after. After using the golden ratio, steepening the angles to 58 degrees he is finally sound! Thank you so much for your advice willingness to consult a d your wonderful product! It's the first time in 6 months this horse has been comfortable right after a shoeing! You rock! Go Golden wing horseshoes!

Roxie my Norwegian Fiord pony, I've had since she was 8, now 23,only light work, & has Ringbone. She hasn't been shoed since April of last year. I've tried different supplements, different shoes, & a series of shots, but nothing worked as well as your Golden wings horseshoes. I wanted her comfortable & she certainly is now. Her shoes are working out extremely well. She's going very well. I can't say enough good things about your shoes,it's helped her immensely. After 4 weeks I had her reset. My Farrier is impressed. You have a wonderful product-thank you.

J. Hammy
I have my horse back!!!
These shoes are great! I have a gelding with mild navicular challenges , coupled with the beginning stages of ring bone and side bone. Not super lame, but not show pen sound. My farrier told me about these shoes and we figured it couldn't hurt to give them a try. So glad we did! I have my horse back. He's riding sound. His long sweepy stride is back. He's happy. I'm happy.

Richard S.
Best shoes ever.
These shoes are fantastic. I bought a nine year old Peruvian that had never worn shoes. He had amazing gaits, super smooth. I wished to convert him from a show horse to a trail horse. Our trails demand shoes. So, we tried traditional shoes and he was like riding a jackhammer. He did not get better with time. I was also concerned that metal shoes would ruin the round blocky shape of his hooves. In Goldenwings he is back to smooth. They wear like, well, iron. I now have them on my husband's Kentucky Mt. horse too and he has stopped growing all toe and no heel. Love them!

Another Review from Monica
I want to sing praises to Goldenwingshorseshoes.com for creating the Goldenwing composite shoes. They were the "hail mary" for my mare that was in the midst of founder when I rescued her & has some rotation in both front coffin bones. Through the help of 2 amazing farriers, a few years of good vit/mineral supplementation, & 3 recent shoeing's of one pair of Goldenwings (at which point they were unusable), my mare has never had such a beautiful sole nor been so happy to move out with anything on her hooves as she was with the Goldenwings.

Leah Cain
Thank you so much for creating such a great shoe! I shod my horse for the first time with them only three weeks before attempting and completing the Big Horn 100 mile endurance ride. The shoes held up very well to all types of terrain. We encountered granite rock faces, gravel roads, deep mud and every other type of terrain imaginable along the way. The shoes held up so well, I think I can get a reset out of them! I especially love the breakover and sole protection. Thank you so much!

Brian Scottsdale, Arizona
I ride on the rough rocky terrain that exists in the deserts of Arizona. I put miles on my horse at times doing over 20 miles a day. When I was using steel shoes my horse would be sore and it would feel like she was walking on eggshells the next day. When I was introduced to Goldenwings Horseshoes my horse moved out better than ever! I can do 20 miles and the next day my horse shows no signs of soreness/tenderness. They last just as long as steel shoes and then some! These shoes give support to the sole of the horses foot giving them the necessary protection and competitive edge they need! The proof is in the pudding with these horseshoes and my horse is happier than ever! I strongly urge riders to give these shoes a chance for their horse, especially if they ride and live in rocky/hot climates. Your horse will thank you time and time again!

Janet Bryant
Thank You from my mare , who has went through all kinds of tests to find the cause of her left front leg pain for 5 years or more. Your product was a last resort, she has moved freely for the first time in years, Anyone who has a lame horse with no known cause, should give these a try. We are grateful and amazed, after hundreds of dollars in tests she shows no sign of lameness.

Anthony Vaught
I wanted to thank you for your time and effort put into golden wings shoes. I keep your shoes on an aged dressage horse with ringbone. They were the difference between retirement with a pronounced limp or returning to light work. He is doing well and is happy helping students with among other things getting flying lead changes mastered:)
The shock absorbing properties of goldenwing shoes are so extreme that your horse will feel no different when going from sugar sand to pavement in a long trot. I live in Florida and have experienced this firsthand.

I wanted to send you a message thanking your company for an amazing product.
I have a 10 year old mare who had a broken coffin bone when she was younger before I got her. Luna has been lame on and off for a couple years and our farrier suggested Goldenwings. They have been a game changer!!
I compete with her in gymkhana and she is doing so well!!! She is no longer lame. She loves competing and trail rides again!!!
Whenever we are out and about which is often since I take her everywhere people ask about them. I love talking about your product and encourage people to talk to their farriers about them!!
We love your product and want to spread the word!

Our horse Yettie, the prodigy child, was diagnosed with ringbone at a young age. We started experimenting with different types of synthetic shoes with no success. My husband found Goldenwinghorseshoes in Western Horsemen magazine. We reached out to the company and they recommended our trying their shoes. We are so happy we did. It took two sets and my husband got to ride his favorite horse again! It was light trail riding but THEY WORKED! Sadly, we lost Yettie suddenly in March but my husband got some great trail rides on him in his last year. We highly recommend this product. Goldenwingshorseshes are AMAZING to work with......they care about his product, the horse and the owner.

I have a very large, fat, 15.3 hand gelding with very flat feet. After trimming, I had observed he was always sore for about 2 weeks. I saw someone on an endurance page talk about Goldenwings and after reading about them and seeing how they looked, I thought they might work for my horse. Was I ever surprised! Dakota walked off SOUND for the first time right after a trim when we set him up on these shoes. Now, I know, most horses who are not used to having shoes on, and are used to being barefoot all the time, usually need a week or two to get used to shoes. But these were amazing! He took about 3 tentative steps, because he hadn't had on shoes before, and when his feet didn't hurt, he walked right off with confidence and ease. We have some tall hills with rocks on our farm and he had no problem with the shoes either on the hill or with the rocks. He was doing so well with them, that I forgot to call for a reset in 6 weeks and he ended up going 8 weeks between resets with no problems and I was able to reset the same shoes. Looks like I'm going to get a third time wearing these before they might need to be replaced. Great value for the money, and sure worth it to set him up in them. I'm sold on these from now on. I will only use Goldenwings on my horses.